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My English study history 본문


My English study history

sealover 2008. 9. 18. 11:18

영어로 글쓰기를 하면 실력이 좀 나아지려나? 하는 생각으로 썼던 글이다. 하지만 피드백을 받을 수 없으니 영 재미가 없어서 그만뒀는데 ChatGPT에게 교정을 의뢰하면 어떨까?하는 생각이 들어서 물어봤더니 대답을 잘 해준다. 그 결과를 여기에 추가한다. 삭제한 글은 취소선을 긋고, 추가한 글은 굵은 글씨체로 썼다.

Any comment on the errors on my writing and question questions is welcomed.

I encountered the English alphabet my 1st first year of junior high school. I expected to learn English in the school and was hopeful and excited filled with hope and excitement.

During the first class, my English teacher wrote down 56 upper and lower case letters on the blackboard. Then he asked who can read them. One student, I can't remember his name whose name I can't remember, raised his hand, and after the teacher's recognition, he started to read them out aloud. Next is reading out altogether loudly. It was only me who can't I was the only one who couldn't read. I was shocked and confused. "How do they know English?" "When and where they have learned English?"

The shocking moment continued up to the 2nd shock continued into the second class. The only difference from the previous class was the characters. My English teacher only changed the characters from printed to handwritten form. In the third class, all the students except for me could read and wrote write English sentences.

Where's the magic? There's no magic. They learned English in the private institute during the vacation prior to junior high school.

I also need a magic. So I went to the institute ,paying with my own money.

That was the beginning of my English study.

픽사베이로부터 입수된 Kohji Asakawa님의 이미지 입니다.

<2023.04.03, ChatGPT 검토 내용 추가>
