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감정을 나타내는 영어 표현들 본문


감정을 나타내는 영어 표현들

sealover 2014. 10. 29. 08:47

어느 말이나 감정을 표현하는 단어들은 미묘할 수밖에 없다. 그러다 보니 책을 읽을 때도 비슷비슷한 말이 계속 나타나고, 나의 기분을 나타낼 때도 마땅한 말을 모르거나 맞는 말을 사용하고 있는지 헷갈리는 경우가 있다. 

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이럴 때 참고할 수 있는 자료들을 모아둔다. 시간날 때 한번씩 읽어볼 수 있도록 원자료들을 정리해 두었다. 시간날 때 찬찬히 읽어보면 꽤 도움이 될 것 같다.

먼저 Tom Drummond의 『Emotion Vocabulary』가 좋다. 링크를 클릭하면 PDF 화일을 구할 수 있는데 여기에도 단어 목록을 써 둔다.  


LIGHT; Contented, Cool, Fine, Genial, Glad, Gratified, Keen, Pleasant, Pleased, Satisfied, Serene, Sunny 

MEDIUM; Aglow, Buoyant, Cheerful, Elevated, Gleeful, Happy, In high spirits, Jovial, Light-hearted, Lively, Merry, Riding high, Sparkling, Up 

STRONG; Delighted, Ebullient, Ecstatic, Elated, Energetic, Enthusiastic, Euphoric, Excited, Exhilarated, Overjoyed, Thrilled, Tickled pink, Turned on, Vibrant, Zippy


LIGHT; Appreciative, Attentive, Considerate, Friendly, Interested in, Kind, Like, Respecting, Thoughtful, Tolerant, Warm toward, Yielding

MEDIUM; Admiring, Affectionate, Attached, Fond, Fond of, Huggy, Kind, Kind-hearted, Loving, Partial, Soft on, Sympathetic, Tender, Trusting, Warm-hearted

STRONG; Adoring, Ardent, Cherishing, Compassionate, Crazy about, Devoted, Doting, Fervent, Idolizing, Infatuated, Passionate, Wild about, Worshipful, Zealous


LIGHT; Blah, Disappointed, Down, Funk, Glum, Low, Moody, Morose, Somber, Subdued, Uncomfortable, Unhappy

MEDIUM; Awful, Blue, Crestfallen, Demoralized, Devalued, Discouraged, Dispirited, Distressed, Downcast, Downhearted, Fed up, Lost, Melancholy, Miserable, Regretful, Rotten, Sorrowful, Tearful, Upset, Weepy

STRONG; Alienated, Barren, Beaten, Bleak, Bleeding, Dejected, Depressed, Desolate, Despondent, Dismal, Empty, Gloomy, Grieved, Grim, Hopeless, In despair, Woeful, Worried


LIGHT; Dry, Incomplete, Meager, Puny, Tenuous, Tiny, Uncertain, Unconvincing, Unsure, Weak, Wishful

MEDIUM; Ailing, Defeated, Deficient, Dopey, Feeble, Helpless, Impaired, Imperfect, Incapable, Incompetent, Incomplete, Ineffective, Inept, Insignificant, Lacking, Lame, Overwhelmed, Small, Substandard, Unimportant

STRONG; Blemished, Blotched, Broken, Crippled, Damaged, False, Feeble, Finished, Flawed, Helpless, Impotent, Inferior, Invalid, Powerless, Useless, Washed up, Whipped, Worthless, Zero


LIGHT; Anxious, Careful, Cautious, Disquieted, Goose-bumpy, Shy, Tense, Timid, Uneasy, Unsure, Watchful, Worried

MEDIUM; Afraid, Apprehensive, Awkward, Defensive, Fearful, Fidgety, Fretful, Jumpy, Nervous, Scared, Shaky, Skittish, Spineless, Taut, Threatened, Troubled, Wired

STRONG; Alarmed, Appalled, Desperate, Distressed, Frightened, Horrified, Intimidated, Panicky, Paralyzed, Petrified, Shocked, Terrified, Terror-stricken, Wrecked


LIGHT; Distracted, Uncertain, Uncomfortable, Undecided, Unsettled, Unsure

MEDIUM; Adrift, Ambivalent, Bewildered , Puzzled, Blurred, Disconcerted, Disordered, Disorganized, Disquieted, Disturbed, Foggy, Frustrated, Misled, Mistaken, Misunderstood, Mixed up, Perplexed, Troubled

STRONG; Baffled, Befuddled, Chaotic, Confounded, Confused, Dizzy, Flustered, Rattled, Reeling, Shocked, Shook up, Speechless, Startled, Stumped, Stunned, Taken-aback, Thrown, Thunderstruck, Trapped


LIGHT; Let down, Minimized, Neglected, Put away, Put down, Rueful, Tender, Touched, Unhappy

MEDIUM; Annoyed, Belittled, Cheapened, Criticized, Damaged, Depreciated, Devalued, Discredited, Distressed, Impaired, Injured, Maligned, Marred, Miffed, Mistreated, Resentful, Troubled, Used, Wounded

STRONG; Abused, Aching, Anguished, Crushed, Degraded, Destroyed, Devastated, Discarded, Disgraced, Forsaken, Humiliated, Mocked, Punished, Rejected, Ridiculed, Ruined, Scorned, Stabbed, Tortured


LIGHT; Bugged, Chagrined, Dismayed, Galled, Grim, Impatient, Irked, Petulant, Resentful, Sullen, Uptight

MEDIUM; Aggravated, Annoyed, Antagonistic, Crabby, Cranky, Exasperated, Fuming, Grouchy, Hostile, Ill-tempered, Indignant, Irate, Irritated, Offended, Ratty, Resentful, Sore, Spiteful, Testy, Ticked off

STRONG; Affronted, Belligerent, Bitter, Burned up, Enraged, Fuming, Furious, Heated, Incensed, Infuriated, Intense, Outraged, Provoked, Seething, Storming, Truculent, Vengeful, Vindictive, Wild


LIGHT; Blue, Detached, Discouraged, Distant, Insulated, Melancholy, Remote, Separate, Withdrawn

MEDIUM; Alienated, Alone, Apart, Cheerless, Companionless, Dejected, Despondent, Estranged, Excluded, Left out, Leftover, Lonely, Oppressed, Uncherished

STRONG; Abandoned, Black, Cut off, Deserted, Destroyed, Empty, Forsaken, Isolated, Marooned, Neglected, Ostracized, Outcast, Rejected, Shunned


LIGHT; Bashful, Blushing, Chagrined, Chastened, Crestfallen, Embarrassed, Hesitant, Humble, Meek, Regretful, Reluctant, Sheepish

MEDIUM;  Apologetic, Ashamed, Contrite, Culpable, Demeaned, Downhearted, Flustered, Guilty, Penitent, Regretful, Remorseful, Repentant, Shamefaced, Sorrowful, Sorry

STRONG; Abashed, Debased, Degraded, Delinquent, Depraved, Disgraced, Evil, Exposed, Humiliated, Judged, Mortified, Shamed, Sinful, Wicked, Wrong


다음은 『List of Feeling Words - PsychPage』라는 심리 상당하는 싸이트의 자료인데, 감정 표현 단어들이 무척 잘 정리되어 있다[각주:1]

Pleasant Feelings

OPEN; understanding, confident, reliable, easy, amazed, free, sympathetic, interested, satisfied, receptive, accepting, kind

HAPPY; great, gay, joyous, lucky, fortunate, delighted, overjoyed, gleeful, thankful, important, festive, ecstatic, satisfied, glad, cheerful, sunny, merry, elated, jubilant

ALIVE; playful, courageous, energetic, liberated, optimistic, provocative, impulsive, free, frisky, animated, spirited, thrilled, wonderful

GOOD; calm, peaceful, at ease, comfortable, pleased, encouraged, clever, surprised, content, quiet, certain, relaxed, serene, free and easy, bright, blessed, reassured

LOVE; loving, considerate, affectionate, sensitive, tender, devoted, attracted, passionate, admiration, warm, touched, sympathy, close, loved, comforted, drawn toward

INTERESTED; concerned, affected, fascinated, intrigued, absorbed, inquisitive, nosy, snoopy, engrossed, curious

POSITIVE; eager, keen, earnest, intent, anxious, inspired, determined, excited, enthusiastic, bold, brave, daring, challenged, optimistic, re-enforced, confident, hopeful

STRONG; impulsive, free, sure, certain, rebellious, unique, dynamic, tenacious, hardy, secure

Difficult/Unpleasant Feelings

ANGRY; irritated, enraged, hostile, insulting, sore, annoyed, upset, hateful, unpleasant, offensive, bitter, aggressive, resentful, inflamed, provoked, incensed, infuriated, cross, worked up, boiling, fuming, indignant
DEPRESSED; lousy, disappointed, discouraged, ashamed, powerless, diminished, guilty, dissatisfied, miserable, detestable, repugnant, despicable, disgusting, abominable, terrible, in despair, sulky, bad, a sense of loss
CONFUSED; upset, doubtful, uncertain, indecisive, perplexed, embarrassed, hesitant, shy, stupefied, disillusioned, unbelieving, skeptical, distrustful, misgiving, lost, unsure, uneasy, pessimistic, tense
HELPLESS; incapable, alone, paralyzed, fatigued, useless, inferior, vulnerable, empty, forced, hesitant, despair, frustrated, distressed, woeful, pathetic, tragic, in a stew, dominated 
INDIFFERENT; insensitive, dull, nonchalant, neutral, reserved, weary, bored, preoccupied, cold, disinterested, lifeless
AFRAID; fearful, terrified, suspicious, anxious, alarmed, panic, nervous, scared, worried, frightened, timid, shaky, restless, doubtful, threatened, cowardly, quaking, menaced, wary 
HURT; crushed, tormented, deprived, pained, tortured, dejected, rejected, injured, offended, afflicted, aching, victimized, heartbroken, agonized, appalled, humiliated, wronged, alienated 
SAD; tearful, sorrowful, pained, grief, anguish, desolate, desperate, pessimistic, unhappy, lonely, grieved, mournful, dismayed

  1. 저작권 문제 때문에 약간 찜찜하긴 하지만, 현재 관리가 안되고 있는 싸이트 같아서 자료가 사라질까봐 단어만 복사해서 나열해 둔다. [본문으로]